The clincher came when during the highland drive I removed the t-bars and I couldn't believe the noise. I mean it sounded good on full chat which is fine, but just casually bend swinging along the road was too much. It had to go.
I found a Fujistubo Giken Twin for sale on IMOC so I bought it. Now it had a couple of dents on the silencer but nothing that looked too serious and knowing this beforehand I still chose to buy it. This exhaust is known to be pretty quiet so I bought it with this in mind. Also, it was fully stainless so no worries about that ole rust issue.
When it arrived I couldn't believe the size of the outlets! Must be 4inch and I'm thinking no way is this gonna be quiet. Anyway, I'd bought it so what the heck might as well fit it. Can't be worse than the Mongoose that's for sure. So we fitted the Giken and then cranked the engine. Now the guys that fitted it, Caluma and Larry were convinced this thing was going to be LOUD and I wasn't convinced they were wrong but to our amazement it is a quiet puppy. One might argue boring but at least it won't deafen me. Some pics of the puppy complete with dent lol.
Ignore rover though it did transport the mechanic over ;-)

worm eye view..