Friday kick off up through Glen Coe towards Fort William and it's tbars oot and on with the sun tan lotion
Somewhere north of Aviemore I find this strange character following me to Inverness - it is the Jaffa man
Due to leaving late afternoon and stopping off at Gaz's for a Chinese takeaway we were a little late in getting to Ullapool. So after getting the tents up we have a beer to celebrate a simply stunning late evening drive from Inveress to Ullapool and then legging it from the midges (no wind for once at the campsite = swarms of the barstewards)
Sunset at the campsite

Camp fire anyone - it actually didn't scare the midges off the little blighters

I cannot explain this picture though according to my phone it was 215am...

A couple of pics from the Saturday drive up by Durness and along to Tongue, tbars oot again :) A first for the club. A run with only MR2 turbos's, 3 tintops and 2 tbars (oot again and on with the sun lotion and shades)
some more bods arrive on Saturday evening but due to missed calls the tents were up in another part of the campsite however they were swiftly moved over

Another pic of the MX5, this was shot on Sunday after the pissing rain had passed and all the tents were down. Tbars oot again lol
As a complete aside, the car clocked up the 126k mile marker on the way home Sunday at Loch Lomond. Not bad going I reckon