Anyhow, was out to a car meet today. Took it easy because some of the roads were still in the shade so you know to careful round them as they are well slippy.
Turns out one of our members had another smash in his mk1. Poor guy, bought this new mk1 from Norwich yesterday, drove 450 miles without incident. Got up early today and washed it, polish it and realised what a stunning car he had bought.
2 miles down the road from his a pickup pops out of a farm track without looking and he brakes, locks up, releases the brakes manages to steer somehow round the pick up and miss the oncoming bus but then loses the back and spins off into the fence and nearly ends up in a field. Luckily the muppet who pulled out on him put his hands up and admitted all his fault then offered to get the car pulled out of the field. A good result to a p1sh incident.
My drive was pretty uninteresting mainly because I was driving soo slow. Not worth it these days to go hooning though I did have a wee chuckle.
Coming along the M80 heading into Glasgow at the Gaswork towers there is a rather nice curve in the road which then joins up with the M8. I had a Golf, mk4/5 sitting on my bumper so at the first chance I moved over to the inside lane as it happened just before the aforementioned righthander. So golfman pulls alongside me as we tip into the corner. Normally this time of year I'd let him go no bother but this corner has shellgrip on it so there is plenty of grip on it. So I hang on the throttle nice and steady and drive round the corner. As I get halfway round I notice Mr Golf is level with my B pillar and as we straighten up he is just infront of my rear bumper. Fair play to the boy he had the tigher line whereas I could mosey on round the long way but I still had further to go

On another note the sunset on the way home was amazing. Reminds me why I still live in this country.
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