Sunday, March 12, 2006

snow everywhere -

indeed woke up to 6 inches of snow everywhere today!! Thats the most snow I've seen fall in Glasgow in a good few years now.

Of course my car was parked halfway down a dead end road on a fairly steep slope. The only good news about that was the new tyres I had had fitted yesterday, otherwise the car would have been left where it was. Had to get it out today so loads of digging and pushing to get the car up the hill. Now I've complained bitterly recently about the damage to the car that has been caused by muppets well today I saw the other side of the coin off human nature.

While I was digging the snow away from the car then getting my passenger to drive the car while I pushed from behind I noticed several people watching me. I expected to see a video of my efforts of the net quite soon but no to my amazement those people came over to help.

With four of us digging / pushing like mad for just under an hour we got the car up the hill to the junction and off we went.

Guys and girl, I salute your kindness and wish you all the best.

In light of the above, on my journey back I helped another 2 motorists out of the snow grip that was all around. A very physically demanding day but was really a good laugh.

Take it very easy out there

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